What incredible weather we are having! Blue sky frosty mornings, birds singing, flowers blooming. Is it spring or winter? Here are a few photographs from my walks this week. I was so excited to come across the Red Crossbills (Loxia curvirostra)!!!
They use their specialized beaks for prying seeds out of cones from coniferous trees. So cool!
Red Crossbill
Red Crossbills perched at the top of an evergreen tree.
I also saw many flickers..
Black-capped chickadees...
Chestnut-backed chickadees...
Red-breasted nuthatches...
Dark-eyed juncos...
A little wren with a sweet song...
Crows, of course...
Energetic squirrels....
Many flowers blooming...
Flowering Cherry
I wish I could share the lovely scent of these rhody blossoms! So wonderful!
Star Magnolia
As well as some beautiful scenery...
The Olympic Mountains looking very bare with little snow for winter.
Commencement Bay and cloud-capped Mount Rainier.
Commencement Bay looking North.