Teaching Opportunities

When our boys were in elementary school, they each had a variety of assignments where they had to build a house or structure of some sort.

It can be a fine line between helping your children with an assignment and doing the assignment. I made sure that it was their project, even though I helped. Well, I helped a lot. : )

However, I embraced the opportunity to go in-depth regarding what they were studying at the time, discussing history, architecture, building techniques, design, art, materials, project planning, safe craft practices - i.e. don't cut yourself with the saw or knife, don't burn yourself with the glue gun, etc.

This particular project, our oldest son, was studying the Oregon Trail and the pioneers and students were to build a pioneer house.

Together we researched the pioneers, building construction depending on location, what their lives were like, the food they hunted, gathered and ate, how homes were heated, and so much more.

We brainstormed, created thumbnail sketches, and formed the plan. We created a basic structure of black foam board for stability, planned the windows and door, gathered, cut, and glued hazelnut branches to the facade, used pea gravel to make the stone fireplace, used wire which we hand hammered and bent for the door pulls, built a wood shed lean-to, created a chopping block, gathered lichen and greens to add plant-like material, used old shingles for the roof, and last, but not least, decided it was important to add an outhouse!

I have extremely fond memories of these projects that we worked on together and the opportunity to teach so much to my boys about history, design, and building.

It is proudly displayed on a top shelf in the living room and brings back wonderful memories each time I look at it.


A Garden Bracelet

Some days I just HAVE TO MAKE SOMETHING! Something three- dimensional and utilitarian. Today was one those days. A spur of the moment creative session during my lunch break and time away from working on illustrations. Feeling happy.

Catch a little glimpse of this quick experimental creative session here.


More Travel, Exploring, Photographing, & Observing

Back in April I went from a weekend in the Vancouver area of B.C. Canada, returned home one day to repack, then departed for San Jose, CA for a Nerium International conference (what a great time and great company!!! ), then back to just north of Klamath Falls, Oregon for a week of visiting, hiking and exploring the Klamath Basin area, and doing photography with my brother and sister-in-law.  Whew!  Such a great time!  Here a just a few photos from my time in Oregon.

American Avocet, Tulelake, CA

American Avocet, Tulelake, CA

Black-necked Stilt, Tulelake, CA

Black-necked Stilt, Tulelake, CA

Sandhill Crane, Klammoth Lake, OR

Sandhill Crane, Klammoth Lake, OR

Looking across Klamath Lake to Mt. McLoughlin

Looking across Klamath Lake to Mt. McLoughlin

Yellow-headed Blackbirds, males, adorn the Quaking Aspen

Yellow-headed Blackbirds, males, adorn the Quaking Aspen

Red-winged Blackbird, Tulelake, CA

Red-winged Blackbird, Tulelake, CA

Western Scrub Jay

Western Scrub Jay

Evening Grosbeak, male, Agency Lake, Oregon

Evening Grosbeak, male, Agency Lake, Oregon

Evening Grosbeak, female, Agency Lake, Oregon

Evening Grosbeak, female, Agency Lake, Oregon

The Pinnacles, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon

The Pinnacles, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon

A Fun Soccer & Birding Weekend!

Back in the beginning of April, we headed north across the border to Surrey, B.C., Canada where our youngest son was to play in a soccer tournament.  Along with watching some great soccer, we were fortunate to have time to visit George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary in Delta, B.C. at the mouth of the Fraser River on Westham Island, stretch our legs, and view some beautiful, interesting birds and scenery.  Here is just a small sampling of what we saw over the weekend.

The view from our hotel.

The view from our hotel.

Crossing the cute old one-lane wooden and steel bridge to Westham Island.

Crossing the cute old one-lane wooden and steel bridge to Westham Island.

One of the picturesque wetland areas at Reifel Bird Sanctuary.

One of the picturesque wetland areas at Reifel Bird Sanctuary.

Northern Pintail?  So handsome.  Not sure about the russet on his lower neck and chest.  Has anyone else seen this variation? 

Northern Pintail?  So handsome.  Not sure about the russet on his lower neck and chest.  Has anyone else seen this variation? 

Ring-necked Ducks, male and female.  I just love their striped bills.

Ring-necked Ducks, male and female.  I just love their striped bills.

From left to right, female & male Lesser Scaups.  They could be Greater Scaups.  I am not familiar enough with them to tell the difference.  On the right in back is a male Ring-necked Duck.

From left to right, female & male Lesser Scaups.  They could be Greater Scaups.  I am not familiar enough with them to tell the difference.  On the right in back is a male Ring-necked Duck.

A female Northern Pintail, I think.  Lovely shades of brown and white with a wonderful pattern on her feathers!

A female Northern Pintail, I think.  Lovely shades of brown and white with a wonderful pattern on her feathers!

Male Northern Pintails.

Male Northern Pintails.

What rich, dark brown fur this little squirrel had.

What rich, dark brown fur this little squirrel had.

There were many Canada Geese, as usual.  I had no idea that they had teeth-like things on their tongues though!  So interesting.  I read that these help them serrate grasses.

There were many Canada Geese, as usual.  I had no idea that they had teeth-like things on their tongues though!  So interesting.  I read that these help them serrate grasses.

Here's a close-up!

Here's a close-up!

Their feet are quite wonderful too!  Isn't that a nice texture?

Their feet are quite wonderful too!  Isn't that a nice texture?

We saw many wonderful birds, flowers, butterflies, and squirrels, to name a few, but by far, the male Wood Ducks were the most colorful!  So beautiful!

We saw many wonderful birds, flowers, butterflies, and squirrels, to name a few, but by far, the male Wood Ducks were the most colorful!  So beautiful!

Backyard Birds

I just have to share a few photos of some of my favorite backyard visitors.  I so enjoy them for their beauty, their wonderful voices, and the unique behaviors of each type of bird.  These were all taken this first week of March, 2015.  I love these visitors, especially, as I call them, my crows.  Also, the sweet little wren never fails to make me smile.  I feel honored when they visit my yard.

Blue Sky Frosty Winter Mornings

What incredible weather we are having!  Blue sky frosty mornings, birds singing, flowers blooming.  Is it spring or winter?  Here are a few photographs from my walks this week.  I was so excited to come across the Red Crossbills (Loxia curvirostra)!!!

They use their specialized beaks for prying seeds out of cones from coniferous trees.  So cool!

Red Crossbill

Red Crossbill

Red Crossbills perched at the top of an evergreen tree.

Red Crossbills perched at the top of an evergreen tree.

I also saw many flickers..

Black-capped chickadees...


Chestnut-backed chickadees...


Red-breasted nuthatches...

Dark-eyed juncos...

A little wren with a sweet song...

Crows, of course...

Energetic squirrels....


Many flowers blooming...

Flowering Cherry

Flowering Cherry





I wish I could share the lovely scent of these rhody blossoms!  So wonderful!

I wish I could share the lovely scent of these rhody blossoms!  So wonderful!



Star Magnolia

Star Magnolia



As well as some beautiful scenery...

The Olympic Mountains looking very bare with little snow for winter.

The Olympic Mountains looking very bare with little snow for winter.

Commencement Bay and cloud-capped Mount Rainier.

Commencement Bay and cloud-capped Mount Rainier.

Commencement Bay looking North.

Commencement Bay looking North.

Liz Leines' Deer Friends At World Market!

I spent a nice afternoon shopping with our fifteen year old son yesterday afternoon.

While we were in World Market looking for a gift for one of his friends, I spied one of my designs on the shelves!

Deer Friends by Liz Leines for PPD

Deer Friends by Liz Leines for PPD

Seeing my art in stores never ceases to put a smile on my face.  



These cute little packages of tissues by the name of Sniff, are produced by PPD.  They also licensed this art for paper napkins and plates as well as ceramic ware - mugs, plates, tea cups, espresso cups, and a tree shaped dish - and are sold in nice, decorative boxes.


Liz Leines and PPD, holiday napkins and tissues samples

As an art licensing artist, it is always exciting to receive samples from manufacturers that I work with.  Opening newly delivered boxes of samples is something I really look forward to.  Once a box arrives, I quickly open it, pulling out each sample with a big grin on my face!  It's so rewarding to see my art on products and have samples in hand.

These paper napkins and tissues arrived a few weeks ago from Paper Product Design, also known as PPD.  They did a great job on them!  So festive and fun.  Available in stores now.  My personal favorite is the Santa!

A Santa Claus design created by Liz Leines.  Napkins and tissues with my art licensed to Paper Products Design.

Trees and birds on napkins.  Art by Liz Leines. Manufactured by PPD.

Winter/Christmas napkins manufactured by PPD.  Art by Liz Leines.


Welcome to my blog! 

This being my first post on my new website, I was feeling pressure to put together a big introduction, but found that that just froze me in my tracks!  

So in order to get this thing off to a start, I am just going to launch into what's going on in (and out of) the studio.

It's late autumn and the weather has been very chilly, but even with the frosty air, I can't resist taking a walk on the beach.  I love all the sea and shore birds that are present in the autumn and winter and really enjoy watching and photographing them.


Double-Crested Cormorant

I never realized, until I took some photos of these birds, how beautiful their intense blue eyes are against their bright yellow bill.


Although very common here, crows always draw my attention with their beauty, intelligence, and comical antics.


These little shorebirds hang out year round, but I couldn't resist photographing some of these cute birds.  It was fun watching them bob their heads and run quickly along the water's edge.