More Travel, Exploring, Photographing, & Observing

Back in April I went from a weekend in the Vancouver area of B.C. Canada, returned home one day to repack, then departed for San Jose, CA for a Nerium International conference (what a great time and great company!!! ), then back to just north of Klamath Falls, Oregon for a week of visiting, hiking and exploring the Klamath Basin area, and doing photography with my brother and sister-in-law.  Whew!  Such a great time!  Here a just a few photos from my time in Oregon.

American Avocet, Tulelake, CA

American Avocet, Tulelake, CA

Black-necked Stilt, Tulelake, CA

Black-necked Stilt, Tulelake, CA

Sandhill Crane, Klammoth Lake, OR

Sandhill Crane, Klammoth Lake, OR

Looking across Klamath Lake to Mt. McLoughlin

Looking across Klamath Lake to Mt. McLoughlin

Yellow-headed Blackbirds, males, adorn the Quaking Aspen

Yellow-headed Blackbirds, males, adorn the Quaking Aspen

Red-winged Blackbird, Tulelake, CA

Red-winged Blackbird, Tulelake, CA

Western Scrub Jay

Western Scrub Jay

Evening Grosbeak, male, Agency Lake, Oregon

Evening Grosbeak, male, Agency Lake, Oregon

Evening Grosbeak, female, Agency Lake, Oregon

Evening Grosbeak, female, Agency Lake, Oregon

The Pinnacles, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon

The Pinnacles, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon